3. SAO Meeting, 23 - 24 April 2008, Svolvær, Norway


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    ARCTIC CONTAMINANTS ACTION PROGRAM (ACAP) WORKING GROUP OF THE ARCTIC COUNCIL. Operating Guidelines Adopted at the SAO meeting in ---------- 200-. (DRAFT)
    (Arctic Contaminants Action Program (ACAP)., 2008) Arctic Contaminants Action Program (ACAP)
    Arctic Council working group Arctic Contaminants Action Program (ACAP)s draft operating guidelines, presented at the Arctic Council's Senior Arctic Officials meeting in Svolvaer, Norway, April 23-24 2008.
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    Report to the Senior Arctic Officials of the Arctic Council. Svolvaer, Norway, April 23-24, 2008.
    (UArctic International Secretariat, 2008) University of the Arctic
    University of the Arctic's report to SAOs, delivered at the Arctic Council's Senior Arctic Officials meeting in Svolvaer, Norway, April 23-24 2008.
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    (AMAP Secretariat; CAFF Secretariat; EPPR Secretariat, 2008) Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP); CAFF Secretariat; EPPR Secretariat
    This document has been prepared by the Secretariats of AMAP, CAFF and EPPR; it is not a ‘proposal’ but rather a paper to inform the SAOs of progress in work conducted in response to a Ministerial request, and to announce the intention to develop a proposal on harmonization of Arctic Council mapping/GIS activities. The document has been sent to all of the AC working groups for their consideration, but has not been approved by any of them. The purpose of this document is to inform the Senior Arctic Officials (SAOs) of progress to date with regards to discussions on how spatial information could be obtained, managed, maintained and delivered within the Arctic Council (AC) and how this could be conducted in co-operation with external parties. It will: • Introduce Plans to present a more complete proposal to the AC in the fall 2008 • Outline the current ‘vision’ for collaborative activities among the AC WGs • Consider how AC and AC Working Groups (WGs) could co-operate with external parties related to spatial information This information paper is intended for review by all WGs of the AC, and also by agencies and organizations outside the Arctic Council which are involved in the development of circumpolar maps, quality control and use. Based upon the results of discussions between the WGs, the plan is to further develop this document and to submit a proposal for consideration/approval by SAOs at their meeting in the fall of 2008.
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    (Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME), 2008-04) Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME)
    Arctic Council working group Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME)s report to SAOs, delivered at the Arctic Council's Senior Arctic Officials meeting in Svolvaer, Norway, April 23-24 2008.
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    AMAP - CAFF Coordinated Monitoring Effort. Status Report, Svolvær, April 2008.
    (Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP); Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF)., 2008-04) Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP); Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF)
    Wide diversity both latitudinally and longitudinally exists in the aquatic ecosystems of the circumpolar Arctic. Widespread fish species, particularly salmonids of the genus Salvelinus (chars), are key elements of freshwater (lakes, rivers), estuarine, and nearshore marine ecosystems throughout the Arctic. Moreover, chars and related salmonids sustain fisheries and aquaculture, thus are integral to lifestyles of northern peoples. Chars are also keystone ecosystem components occupying many trophic (feeding) levels as secondary, tertiary and higher predators in Arctic ecosystems. Both local and widespread stressors present in the Arctic (e.g., climate change, contaminant loading, hydrocarbon development, exploitation) combine to significantly directly affect chars or their ecosystems (these latter usually with follow-on additional indirect effects on chars). Accordingly, monitoring of char populations provides understanding of change and its causes for both the char populations themselves as well as the aquatic ecosystems they occupy. This project has three over-arching long-term objectives: • Conduct research projects locally and throughout the Arctic to understand char biodiversity, roles of that diversity in aquatic ecosystem structure, function and sustainability, and the effects of stressors, particularly climate change and contaminants, on chars and their ecosystems • Using activities within Canada as an example, develop national summaries of the present char biodi- versity and status, link these with understanding of local and pervasive stressors, and establish trends in change of char biodiversity through appropriate long-term monitoring programmes • Establish an international network linking research and monitoring activities on chars and their eco- systems throughout the Arctic