Oil Spill Response


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    Low Sulphur Fuels in the Arctic
    The Maritime Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) under the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has adopted specific requirements as to the maximum sulphur content of any fuel oil intended for combustion purposes for propulsion or operation on board a ship. According to Regulation 14 of Annex VI of MARPOL the global sulphur limit was reduced from 3.50% to 0.50% from first of January 2020. For vessels operating in Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECA) under MARPOL, the limit, has been 0.10%, since first of January 2015. As a result of the regulatory developments, the industry responded by offering Low Sulphur Fuels Oil (LSFO – 0.50%) and ULSFO (Ultra Low Sulphur Fuel Oil – 0.10%) for ships that previously used different residual fuel oil blends as fuel, including Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO). These developments also led to the joint PAME-EPPR project “New Low Sulphur Fuels, Fate, and Behavior in Cold Water Conditions” which was included in both PAME’s and EPPR’s Work Plans for 2021-2023. The project is led by Norway and contains five work packages (WPs): WP1. Questionnaire WP2. Industry Involvement Workshop WP3. Fuel oil sampling WP4. Fate and behavior WP5. Toxicity testing This is the first report from this project and derives from WP1. A final report for the project will be produced. Experts from Canada, Kingdom of Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, USA, China, Germany, Korea, Singapore and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) have participated in the project. Additionally, experts from industry have also participated as consultants, including from DNV and SINTEF in Norway.
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    Arctic Oil Pollution Research and Development Workshop Report
    (Arctic Council Secretariat, 2021-05) EPPR
    In 2017, the EPPR and the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) hosted a workshop to share information and discuss the latest advances in oil spill response technology and best practices relevant to the Arctic region.Both the U.S. interagency and international R&D communities recognized this workshop as a successful first step towards building a better platform for sharing and advancing efforts to enhance oil spill response.
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    Preventing and Responding to Oil Spills in the Arctic
    (Arctic Council Secretariat, 2020-08) EPPR
    Factsheet on the Marine Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response in the Arctic (MOSPA) Agreement
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    Legal Issues Related To The Agreement On Cooperation On Marine Oil Pollution Preparedness And Response In The Arctic (MOSPA) Summary Report
    (Arctic Council Secretariat, 2019-05) Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response (EPPR)
    This summary report is based on a comprehensive study commissioned by the Norwegian Coastal Administration and was written by Alla Pozdnakova, Henrik Ringbom, and Erik Røsæg of the Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law at the University of Oslo in the fall of 2018. This report recommends suggestions for actions regarding legal issues on cooperation related to the MOSPA Agreement.
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    Planning Guidance For MOSPA Exercises
    (Arctic Council Secretariat, 2019-05) Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response (EPPR)
    The Agreement on Cooperation on Marine Oil Spill Preparedness and Response in the Arctic (MOSPA Agreement) aims to strengthen emergency cooperation and coordination of Arctic oil spill response operations amongst the eight Arctic States (Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States). In order to focus the preparedness activities undertaken to enhance response coordination under the MOSPA Agreement, EPPR created the Marine Environmental Response Experts Group (MER EG) in 2016. MER EG is a group working under the direction of the EPPR with a focus on promoting the implementation of EPPR initiatives specific to the MOSPA Agreement, as well as future initiatives as determined by consensus of the EPPR membership. While there are many aspects of marine oil spill preparedness, this guidance has been prepared specifically for the planning of joint emergency response exercises referred to in both Article 13 of the MOSPA Agreement and Section 9 of the Operational Guidelines, which address joint exercises and training.