Arctic Marine Litter
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Item Arctic Marine Litter Workshop - Summary report and presentations(2018)The Arctic Marine Litter Workshop was hosted by PAME, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Municipality of Akureyri. The goal was to facilitate inputs to the development of PAME’s Desktop Study on Marine Litter including Microplastics in the Arctic, taking into account new developments and information as relevant. The workshop report is available as well as the agenda, registration and all presentations. List of presentations: Session I: Opening - Co-leads presentation (Iceland, Norway, Sweden, AIA, OSPAR) Session II: Main Legislative Frameworks - Demian Schane (NOAA) - Heidi Savelli (UNEP) Session III: Marine Litter Literature - Joan Fabres (Grid-Arendal) - Geir Gabrielsen (Norwegian Polar Institute) - Sarah Da Silva (Environment and Climate Change Canada) - Demian Schane (on behalf of Whit Sheard (CCU) - Wouter-Jan Strietman (WagIMG 1760eningen Economic Research) - Jessica Veldstra (AIA) - Maria Granberg (Swedish Environmental Research Institute) - Peter Murphy (NOAA Marine Debris Program) - Nicole Kanayurak (ICC) - Melanie Bergmann (Alfred Wegener Institute) - Hrönn Ólína Jörundsdóttir (MATÍS) - Heidi Savelli (UNEP) - Charlotte Mogensen (OSPAR) - Bård Aarbakke (Clean Nordic Oceans) - Sarah Auffret (AECO) - Lu Zhibo (Tongji University)Item International Symposium on Plastics in the Arctic and the Sub- Arctic Region, Symposium Summary(The Government of Iceland and the Nordic Council of Ministers, 2021) The Government of Iceland and the Nordic Council of MinistersThe Government of Iceland in collaboration with the Nordic Council of Ministers hosted the International Symposium on Plastics in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic Region on March 2-4 and 8-9, 2021 in connection with the Icelandic Chairmanship of the Arctic Council, which took place from May 2019 to May 2021. The symposium was organised in co-operation with 11 international partners that address marine pollution in various ways. Iceland had chosen the Arctic marine environment as one of four priority areas of work for its chairmanship and addressing plastic marine litter, and in particular pollution in the Arctic, became a high priority issue in the work programme of the Arctic Council.Item Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter in the Arctic(Arctic Council Secretariat, 2021-05) Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME)The Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter in the Arctic will enable the Arctic Council to take targeted and collective action to address this problem within the Arctic and contribute to awareness of the Arctic-specific impacts. It is focused on actions to be taken in the Arctic, by Arctic States collectively and independently, and is designed to be complementary to, and cooperative with, efforts underway in other international and regional organizations and conventions, as well as their activities and programs.Item Desktop Study on Marine Litter including Microplastics in the Arctic(Arctic Council Secretariat, 2019-05) Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME)The Arctic Council’s working group Protection of Arctic Marine Environment (PAME) conducted the “Desktop Study on Marine Litter, including Microplastics in the Arctic” as part of the first phase of a Marine Litter Project included in the 2017-2019 Work Plan. This Study contains five sections: I. Rationale, Objectives and Geographic Scope; II. Applicable Governance Frameworks; III. Literature Review; IV. Knowledge Gaps; and V. Main Findings and Next Steps.Item Desktop Study on Marine Litter Including Microplastics in the Arctic(Arctic Council Secretariat, 2019-03) Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME)The Desktop Study on Marine Litter including Microplastics in the Arctic (Phase I) project collected all relevant and existing literature and scientific studies on marine litter in the Arctic. The aim was to better understand the sources and drivers of marine litter, the pathways and distribution, the interactions with and impacts on biota, and monitoring and responses. This is the first compilation of literature and studies of marine litter covering the circumpolar Arctic but is by no means exhaustive. It helps to improve the understanding of the status and impacts of marine litter and provides an opportunity to identify potential next steps to further examine and address marine litter, including microplastics, in the Arctic Ocean.