
Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 33
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    Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter in the Arctic
    (Arctic Council Secretariat, 2021-05) Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME)
    The Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter in the Arctic will enable the Arctic Council to take targeted and collective action to address this problem within the Arctic and contribute to awareness of the Arctic-specific impacts. It is focused on actions to be taken in the Arctic, by Arctic States collectively and independently, and is designed to be complementary to, and cooperative with, efforts underway in other international and regional organizations and conventions, as well as their activities and programs.
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    Review of Plastic Pollution Policies of Arctic Countries in Relation to Seabirds
    (Arctic Council Secretariat, 2021-05) CAFF
    This report is part of an initiative by the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) Working Group of the Arctic Council to better understand the effects of plastic pollution in the ocean on Arctic seabirds. Developed via CAFFs Arctic Migratory Birds Initiative (AMBI), in collaboration with the Circumpolar Seabird Expert Group (CBird), this report provides a review of the policies of Arctic countries that address marine plastic related to Arctic-breeding seabirds. Additional components of this work include a review of literature related to the vulnerability of Arctic breeding- seabirds to plastic pollution including ingestion and entanglement in the Arctic, and the development of a pan-Arctic framework for monitoring plastic pollution in seabirds in the Arctic. This work contributes to the implementation of the Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter being developed by the Arctic Council via the Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME) Working Group.
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    Plastic ingestion by seabirds in the circumpolar Arctic: A review
    (Arctic Council Secretariat, 2021-05) CAFF
    Plastic ingestion by seabirds in the circumpolar Arctic: A review
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    Developing a Program to Monitor Plastic Pollution in Seabirds in the Pan-Arctic Region
    (Arctic Council Secretariat, 2021-05) CAFF
    Developing a program to monitor plastic pollution in seabirds in the pan-Arctic region.
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    Overview of AMAP Initiatives for Monitoring and Assessment of Plastic Pollution in the Arctic
    (Arctic Council Secretariat, 2021-05) AMAP
    There is currently limited information about abundance, composition, and distribution of plastic pollution in the Arctic. In an effort to reduce this knowledge gap, AMAP has developed a Monitoring Plan for a coordinated pan-Arctic environmental monitoring program and an accompanying comprehensive set of technical Monitoring Guidelines. Together, these will provide valuable information and guidance for national and regional institutions to consider when implementing their respective plastics monitoring initiatives.