07. Ministerial meeting in Nuuk, Greenland, May 12 2011


Recent Submissions

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    (Arctic Council Secretariat, 2011) Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic (SLiCA)
    "About the survey: The core questionnaire1 was developed be- tween 1998 and 2001 in close cooperation between researchers and indigenous ex- perts. Interviews were conducted between 2001 and 2008 face-to-face with people 15 and older in Canada and Greenland and 16 and older in the other regions. About 7.500 Inuit, Sami and other indigenous people were interviewed: in Greenland, in the Inuit settlement regions in Alaska and Arctic Canada, in the Northern regions of Norway and Sweden as well as the Kola Peninsula and Chukotka in Russia. Response rates are presented in Table 1. This publication describes the survey and introduces the wealth of information available on the lives of the Arctic’s indigenous peoples, measured in ways they themselves chose." /.../
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    Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure: Concept paper.
    (CAFF International Secretariat, 2011-01) Skedsmo, Martin; Palmér, Owe; Sørensen, Eskild L.; Ursinn, Heli
    As a result many of the existing datasets are distributed throughout many organisations. They are often not integrated or coordinated and it is difficult to find an environment in which these diverse datasets can be combined and analysed together. A dedicated Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure would provide for the development of the necessary standards and framework to encourage more efficient integration of and access to these datasets. It would allow for more robust management and manipulation of data for both research and management purposes.
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    Seabird Information Network (SIN): Concept Paper
    (CAFF International Secretariat, 2011) Irons, D.; Svoboda, M.; Gill, M.; Petersen, A.
    One means to enhance seabird conservation is by viewing the seabird resources in the circumpolar region as a single resource rather than a series of seabird colonies divided by countries. To facilitate this broad-scale approach it is necessary to know where seabird colonies exist in the Arctic countries. The Seabird Information Network proposes a means to collect, view and analyze such information. Some countries have national databases of seabird colony locations, but these databases have never been joined to allow a cohesive view of the seabird resources. Along with knowing where the seabird resources are, management agencies, scientists, and the public is interested in the status of seabirds.
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    Circumpolar Health Supplements 2010; 6
    (The International Association of Circumpolar Health Publishers., 2010)
    "This Circumpolar Health Supplement reports on the progress of the Human Health Initia- tive an Arctic Council Sustainable Development Working Group International Polar Year (IPY) project, and serves as a deliverable marking the completion of the Norwegian Chair- manship (from 2006 until March 2009). The IPY (2007-2008) is the th major international polar research program intended to provide a venue for expanding the boundaries of our understanding of the Polar regions. However, in contrast to previous polar years (1882-83, 1932-33, 19 7- 8) the th polar year for the first time focused significant attention on the human dimension of Arctic research and in particular the concerns of indigenous peoples including human health. Human health concerns and challenges of Arctic peoples include the health impacts of environmental contaminants, climate change, and rapidly changing social and economic conditions. They also include the changing patterns of chronic diseases, the high rates of injuries, and the continuing health disparities that remain between the indigenous and non- indigenous segments of Arctic populations. Because the Arctic Council is an intergovernmental forum that promotes coopera- tion and coordination between all eight Arctic countries on common concerns including sustainable development and environmental protection and includes the active participation of, and full consultation with, Arctic Indigenous peoples organizations, it is a unique orga- nization with the potential to influence national policies to address these health concerns and improve the health of Arctic peoples." /.../
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    The Arctic Ocean Review Project. PHASE I REPORT 2009-2011.
    (Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME), 2011) Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME)
    Arctic Council working group Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME)s Phase I Report 2009-2011 for the Arctic Ocean Review Project. Submitted to the Arctic Council's 7th Ministerial Meeting in Nuuk, Greenland, May 12 2011.