4. SAO Meeting, 7 - 8 October 2002, Inari, Finland


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    Program for the Icelandic Chair of the Arctic Council 2002-2004
    (Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Iceland, 2002-06-12) Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Iceland; Arctic Council Secretariat
    The Icelandic Chairmanship program outlines the priority projects, where sustainable development and the living conditions of the people of the Arctic are at the forefront.
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    (ACIA Secretariat, 2002) Corell, Robert; Weller, Gunter
    "The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) is a four-year project of the Arctic Council that started officially in the third quarter of 2000 and is expected to be completed by the third quarter of 2004. The funding of ACIA is through support by each of the eight Arctic-rim nations, with the U. S. as the country that is providing financial support, through NSF and NOAA, to support the ACIA Secretariat at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Contributions from other arctic countries and the permanent Indigenous Peoples organizations, as well as from the U. K., have also been secured, with each country supporting the involvement of its citizens in the ACIA, and through in-kind contributions, such as local costs of hosting meetings and workshops. The role the Arctic plays in the global scale of climate variability and change is depicted in the graphic that follows:" /.../
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    THE VISIBILITY OF THE ARCTIC COUNCIL - Results of a Background Study
    (University of Lapland, 2002) Turunen, Minna; Kankaanpää, Paula
    "Preface: The chair of the Arctic Council transferred from the United States to Finland at the Ministerial Meeting in Barrow, Alaska in October 2000. In its current role as the chair of the Arctic Council, Finland has stated the need to improve the visibility of the Council as one of the priorities during its chairmanship in 2000-2002: “During its chairmanship Finland will aim at raising the Arctic Council’s profile as a promoter of Arctic issues of global significance in relation to other international institutions. During the Finnish chairmanship the Council will also examine how its information activities should be improved to strengthen its external image” (Program for the Finnish Chair of the Arctic Council 2000 2002). The aim of the present study was therefore firstly to clarify the knowledge and views of the local inhabitants, indigenous peoples, decision-makers, and scientists living in the arctic region on the activities of the Arctic Council and secondly, to find the means to improve the flow of information from and the visibility of the Arctic Council. The study was conducted using a questionnaire directed to the inhabitants of the eight Arctic countries. This study is an independent study funded by the Ministry of Education in Finland and it is conducted by the Arctic Centre of the University of Lapland)." /.../
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    ACAP - Progress report at the SAO-meeting in Saariselka 7-8 Oct. 2002.
    (Arctic Contaminants Action Program (ACAP), 2002) Arctic Contaminants Action Program (ACAP)
    "The ACAP Interim Steering Committee has given a short progress report in the draft SAO-report in the pages 30 - 32. I will not repeat what you certainly already have read, but I just want to add a general remark and underline a few items. I first of all want to clarify that we in all the ACAP projects have assigned an Arctic Country or a Secretariate as a coordinator of the project which means that they shall facicilitate the work of a Steering Group which is responsible for managing the project. I would like to express my appreciation for the work each of the coordinators are doing and for the good work all experts from the Arctic Countries are doing in these projects." /.../
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    Multilateral Cooperative Project on Phase-out of PCB Use and Management of PCB-contaminated Wastes in the Russian Federation. PROPOSALS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF PHASE 3.
    (Arctic Contaminants Action Program (ACAP), 2002) Arctic Contaminants Action Program (ACAP)
    "The PCB project includes three phases covering all stages, from assessment of the magnitude of the PCB problem, to development of technical and economic proposals for solution, and their practical realization. It should be noted that, from its initial stage, the project was not intended to solve the problem of PCB handling and phasing-out in the Russian Federation. For solving this entire problem, it is necessary to develop and implement a special federal programme. However, the project should present the ways of solving a set of issues, which comprise the PCB problem in this country, and might be used as a model for the proposed programme." /.../