1. SAO Meeting, 8 - 9 November 2011, Luleå, Sweden


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    All presentations from the Arctic Council's Senior Arctic Official's meeting in Luleå, Sweden, November 8-9 2011.
    (Arctic Council Secretariat, 2011) Arctic Council
    Attachments include all presentations from the Arctic Council's Senior Arctic Official's meeting in Luleå, Sweden, November 8-9 2011. NOTE: The presentations attached are intended for information purposes only. Hence, they are not suitable as reference material or scientific sources.
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    The WWF RACER project: Incorporating change into Arctic conservation planning.
    (World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), 2011) World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
    Project presentation paper for World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)s project "RACER: Incorporating change into Arctic conservation planning", presented at the Arctic Council's Senior Arctic Officials meeting in Luleå, Sweden, November 8-9 2011.
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    Nordic Council of Ministers Arctic Co-operation Programme 2012-2014.
    (Nordic Council of Ministers, 2011-11-02) Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM)
    "The challenges faced by and in the Arctic have increased significantly and have become more visible over the years. Greater knowledge has been accumulated about the impact of globalisation and climate change, as well as of the opportunities they bring for the Arctic region, the local communities, the people of the region, the environment and nature. The Nordic Council of Ministers' Arctic Co- operation Programme was first published in 1996, and it has grown in importance and scope over the years. Its priorities cover a wide range of projects and initiatives of various kinds. Evaluations of the programme have added valuable knowledge about the main challenges facing the Arctic societies in relation to sustainable development. This update to the programme is based on the lessons learned from these activities and initiatives, on the Nordic countries' Arctic strategies and on other topical political and economic trends in the Arctic1. The Arctic Co-operation programme complements other Nordic Council of Ministers' programmes, strategies2 and initiatives that cover issues relevant to the Arctic." /.../
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    Встреча Глав делегаций стран-участниц Рабочей группы по устойчивому развитию (SDWG), 3-4 октября 2011 г., Стокгольм, Швеция (резюме).
    (Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG), 2011) Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG)
    "Целью встречи является оценка проектов, реализуемых SDWG и выявление приоритетных проектов на 2011-13 гг. Проекты, одобренные SDWG будут представлены на утверждение КСДЛ на предстоящем Заседании КСДЛ в г.Лулео (Швеция) 7-9 ноября 2011 г." /.../
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    SDWG Heads of Delegation Meeting, October 3-4, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden. Meeting Highlights.
    (Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG), 2011) Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG)
    "The purpose of the meeting was to assess and prioritize SDWG 2011-13 activities. Projects which received SDWG endorsement would be forwarded for SAOs approval at their upcoming meeting in Luleå Sweden, November 7-9, 2011" /.../