1. SAO Meeting, 21 - 22 October 2015, Anchorage, USA


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    Presentations from SAO-meeting
    (2015-10-22) Arctic Council
    Slides from presentations at the SAO-Meeting in Anchorage 21-22 October 2015
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    Summary report. SAO plenary meeting. Anchorage, Alaska. 21-22 October 2015.
    (Arctic Council Secretariat, 2015-10) Arctic Council
    Summary report from the Arctic Council's Senior Arctic Officials (SAO) plenary meeting in Anchorage, USA, October 21-22 2015.
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    Participant List Anchorage SAO Meeting 21-22 October 2015
    (2015) Arctic Council
    Participant list from the Anchorage SAO meeting held 21-22 October 2015.
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    Project Proposal: Reducing the Incidence of Suicide in Indigenous Groups – Strengths United through Networks (RISING-SUN).
    (Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG), 2015) Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG)
    "Objective of Project: To create common metrics for evaluating suicide prevention efforts in the Arctic as a key component of scaling up and evaluating interventions across the circumpolar region. Rationale: RISING SUN (Reducing the Incidence of Suicide in Indigenous Groups-- Strengths United through Networks) is designed as a follow-on activity to the Canadian-initiated mental wellness project of 2013-2015. Whereas the Canadian-initiated project focused on best practices from the literature and community-based interventions, RISING SUN is designed to take the next logical step: creating a common, science-based set of metrics to evaluate the key correlates and outcomes associated with suicide prevention interventions, across Arctic states. Common metrics, developed through an on-going engagement with Permanent Participants and community leaders, as well as mental health experts, will facilitate data sharing and pooling, evaluation, and interpretation of interventions across service systems. These metrics will aid health workers to better serve the needs of their communities while helping policymakers measure progress, evaluate the scale up of interventions, and identify impediments to implementation and cultural adaptability challenges. Arriving at common metrics and reporting systems is especially important in the Arctic, where the vast geography, significant number of remote communities, and breadth of cultural diversity, pose challenges for systematic approaches to suicide prevention." /.../
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    Project Proposal: Operationalizing One Health in the Arctic.
    (Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG), 2015) Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG)
    "Objective of Project: Operationalize a One Health approach in the Arctic to forge co-equal, all inclusive collaborations across multiple scientific disciplines and Arctic communities in order to enhance resiliency of the Arctic inhabitants through an enhanced understanding of climatic change impacts on health risks to people, animals, and the environment. Rationale: One Health is an approach to assess health issues at the interface between humans, animals, and ecosystems. It is a valuable strategy for the Arctic, where there is a great need to understand the complex nature of climatic change on the health of all of the Arctic. The One Health approach assesses the potential health effects at the human-animal-ecosystem interface and can greatly enhance scientific understanding of the threats to Arctic communities and ecosystems. It will contribute to the development of new tools for effective policies focused on reducing the burden of health threats and enhancing community resiliency. These include tools and methods for assessing vulnerability, screening and evaluation strategies, programs for climate risks assessments, identifying adaptation options, and weighing the costs and benefits of those options. Through a Regionalized One Health approach assessing health risks at the human-animal- ecosystem interface will significantly contribute to understanding the complex nature of climate change on health of all Arctic inhabitants." /.../