Ecosystem Approach Progress Report. Joint Group of Experts on the Ecosystems Approach on Management.
Issue Date
Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME)
PAME , Ecosystem approach
PAME established in 2007 an expert group on the Ecosystem Approach to Management (the EA-EG). This was broadened in 2011 to become a PME-led joint expert group with participation also of other Arctic Council working groups (AMAP, CAFF and SDWG). Norway and USA are co-lead countries for the theme 'Ecosystem Approach to management' (EA) under PAME. The work of the EA Expert Group is carried out according to a work plan as part of the agreed PAME Work Plan for 2013-2015 (Annex 1). The co-leads presented a progress report on the EA to the PAME II-2014 meeting in Whitehorse, Canada, 16-18 September 2014. The outcome of the discussion at PAME on the EA item as reflected in the RoD is included in Annex 2.