Arctic Marine Litter Workshop - Summary report and presentations
Issue Date
The Arctic Marine Litter Workshop was hosted by PAME, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Municipality of Akureyri. The goal was to facilitate inputs to the development of PAME’s Desktop Study on Marine Litter including Microplastics in the Arctic, taking into account new developments and information as relevant.
The workshop report is available as well as the agenda, registration and all presentations.
List of presentations:
Session I: Opening
- Co-leads presentation (Iceland, Norway, Sweden, AIA, OSPAR)
Session II: Main Legislative Frameworks
- Demian Schane (NOAA)
- Heidi Savelli (UNEP)
Session III: Marine Litter Literature
- Joan Fabres (Grid-Arendal)
- Geir Gabrielsen (Norwegian Polar Institute)
- Sarah Da Silva (Environment and Climate Change Canada)
- Demian Schane (on behalf of Whit Sheard (CCU)
- Wouter-Jan Strietman (WagIMG 1760eningen Economic Research)
- Jessica Veldstra (AIA)
- Maria Granberg (Swedish Environmental Research Institute)
- Peter Murphy (NOAA Marine Debris Program)
- Nicole Kanayurak (ICC)
- Melanie Bergmann (Alfred Wegener Institute)
- Hrönn Ólína Jörundsdóttir (MATÍS)
- Heidi Savelli (UNEP)
- Charlotte Mogensen (OSPAR)
- Bård Aarbakke (Clean Nordic Oceans)
- Sarah Auffret (AECO)
- Lu Zhibo (Tongji University)