Actions for Biodiversity: 2015-2017 Tracking tool.

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Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF)
The Actions for Biodiversity 2013-2021 comprises the implementation plan for the ABA recommendations. The Action Plan is not meant to be exhaustive or to replace working group work plans; rather it is complementary, emphasizing specific actions that address the ABA recommendations. Recommendations are primarily aimed at the Arctic Council, however, success in conserving Arctic biodiversity depends upon actions by non-Arctic states, regional and local authorities, industry and all who live work and travel in the Arctic. These recommendations therefore, also provide a guide for action for states, authorities, and organizations beyond the Arctic Council. Some of the ABA recommendations directly encourage cooperation with those outside the Arctic Council process. Implementation will build on a solid framework of established CAFF activities, including the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program (CBMP) and the Arctic Biodiversity Data Service (ABDS). It also builds on other relevant Arctic Council working group initiatives and processes of international biodiversity conventions and organizations, in particular the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Some ABA recommendations provide specific directions for focusing and enhancing work through these programs and activities. New directions and initiatives will be phased into work plans. Some recommendations call for action to remedy gaps and deficiencies in knowledge and in conservation. The specific activities outlined in this Action Plan are designed to meet these calls for action. This Excel Tracking Tool is a working document to help track progress and identify decisions needed on those actions in the Actions for Biodiversity 2013-2021 scheduled during phase 2: 2015-2017. It will be updated prior to every Board meeting and contains two information sheets: CAFF Leads: actions where CAFF is taking a lead or co-lead role. CAFF Contributions: actions where CAFF will contribute (as identified in the Action Plan).