Attachment 1. Terms of Reference of the ICSU IPY 2007/8 Planning Group. Attachment 1.
"Terms of Reference of the ICSU IPY 2007/8 Planning Group
(i) To gather, summarise and make widely available information on existing ideas for an IPY serving as a clearinghouse for ideas,
(ii) To stimulate, encourage and organise debate amongst a wide range of interested parties on the objectives and possible content of an IPY,
(iii) To formulate a set of objectives for an IPY,
(iv) To develop an initial high level Science Plan for an IPY which engages younger scientists throughout the planning process.
(v) To develop a specific set of objects targeted at formal and informal education as well as the general public in the next IPY.
(vi) To develop a proposed mechanism for the design, development, guidance, and oversight of an IPY
(vii) To present a draft plan to the ICSU EB at their February 2004 meeting; and
(vii) To report to the ICSU 28th General Assembly in 2005 a plan for an IPY in 2007/8 for final endorsement."