Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF). An outline of a Communication Strategy.
Issue Date
Petersen, Aevar
Henry, David
Baldursson, Snorri
"The need for communicating Arctic conservation issues more efficiently has been frequently observed as one of the most important endeavours that CAFF should undertake in order to increase the awareness of the program and its challenges. To heighten CAFF´s awareness and profile, a communication strategy should be adopted that will convey CAFF´s conservation messages, identify target audiences, and provide tools to reach those audiences.
This need is recognised in the CAFF Strategic Plan, which is intended to focus and guide the CAFF Program over a five year period (2000-2004). The Strategic Plan lists effective communication as a guiding principle, noting that:
“Conservation policies should be based on sound science, but their acceptance and implementation depends on the informed support of the general public and decision-makers. These audiences must be made aware of and understand the goals of conservation and the need for specific conservation measures, taking into account the needs of people. CAFF will ensure that effective communication is a key element of all its programs and activities.”
In recognition of this, Iceland in collaboration with UNEP/GRID-Arendal and the CAFF Secretariat undertook to “Develop, by April 1998, an outline for a communication strategy for CAFF (CAFF Annual Work Plan 1997-98; Item 7.1.ii). The first draft outline was developed in March 1998, and since then the draft has been through reviews." /.../