Expert Group on Black Carbon and Methane Summary Of Progress And Recommendations 2019
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Expert Group on Black Carbon and Methane (EGBCM)
EGBCM summary report
Black carbon and methane are air pollutants and short-lived climate pollutants. Exposure to fine particulate matter, including black carbon, has long been linked to premature deaths and a variety of other public health problems, including respiratory diseases. Based on the potential impact to human health and the environment, in April 2015 the Ministers of the Arctic Council adopted a framework titled “Enhanced Black Carbon and Methane Emissions Reductions: An Arctic Council Framework for Action” that outlined approaches for national and collective action to reduce black carbon and methane emissions. As a step towards this, Arctic States also decided to submit biennial national reports on existing and planned actions to reduce black carbon and methane emissions, on countries’ national inventories of these pollutants and, if available, on projections of future emissions.