Guidelines for Implementing an Ecosystem Approach to Management of Arctic Marine Ecosystems
Issue Date
Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME)
The Iqaluit declaration (2015) encouraged progress toward implementation of the ecosystem- based management recommendations approved by Ministers in Kiruna, and requested development of practical guidelines for an ecosystem-based approach. The Joint Ecosystem Approach (EA) expert group (EA-EG), led by PAME and with participation of AMAP, CAFF and SDWG, has developed the “Guidelines for Implementing an Ecosystem Approach to Management of Arctic Marine Ecosystems”. The framework for the guidelines was crafted during an international conference on the status of implementation of EA in the Arctic in Fairbanks, Alaska, in August 2016. Many of the details of the guidelines were then developed during the 6th Ecosystem Approach workshop, held in Seattle, during January 2018.