Arctic Marine Strategic Plan Workshop Report
PAME , Ocean management , Arctic Ocean
The Workshop was held as part of the development of an Arctic Marine Strategic Plan for the
Arctic Council under the Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME) Working
Group and the co-leadership of Iceland and Canada. The principal objective for the Workshop
was to provide a forum for exchanging information and ideas on the drivers of change, trends
in ocean management and possible circumpolar responses to Arctic Ocean issues. The
meeting was co-chaired by Mr. John Karau (Canada) and Mr. Magnus Johannesson (Iceland)
and attended by a large number of representatives from government and northern
The agenda for the Workshop is attached as Annex 1 and the list of participants is in Annex 2.
A series of background papers was prepared in advance of the Workshop and was presented
to participants in a separate document. These papers are available on the PAME website