Discussion Paper: Mechanisms to Implement the Arctic Council Sustainable Development Action Plan (SDAP). (Draft version 10.03.2004)

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Unknown author
It is suggested that mechanisms to implement the SDAP should be based on the following several principles: • The SDAP should be implemented in stages. It should be a “living” document, especially its tabular part. • The Table of Actions can be updated every two years. • All the Arctic Council member-states, Working Groups, Permanent Participants, and Observers are invited as partners to participate in the SDAP implementation. • There should be applied the principle of rotation for countries supervising the progress of the SDAP implementation as a whole and of preparing materials for assessment. • The progress of the SDAP implementation should be evaluated on the basis of criteria and indicators to be agreed upon and adopted by the Arctic Council. • Every new action suggested for the SDAP should be considered in compliance with the Arctic Council procedures.