FINAL PROJECT PROPOSAL. Best Practices in Ecosystems-based Oceans Management in the Arctic BePOMAr.

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Norwegian Chairmanship of the Arctic Council
"Arctic communities and settlements are largely based on the use of natural resources. Traditionally these activities included hunting, fishing and reindeer herding. However, the importance of the non renewable resources is growing in the Arctic. Both onshore and offshore petroleum developments are expanding to new areas of the Arctic. New economic activities may provide an important basis for welfare and economic growth. It is vital that all resource use is planned and carried out in a sustainable manner to facilitate the coexistence of activities in different sectors. Economic activities must be carried out in accordance with environmental and safety standards and should be to the benefit of Arctic communities. Minimizing negative impacts of commercial activities on the ecosystems and living resources of the Arctic is a particularly important task. On the basis of the mandate given at the Salekhard ministerial in 2006 (cfr. Report of SAO meeting), the Norwegian chairmanship of the Arctic Council would like to initiate a project on oceans management. The project will be a joint SDWG – PAME effort, and will report to those two working groups. A planning meeting providing input to this proposal was held in Tromsø 20-21 February 2007, and further inputs were provided at the meetings of PAME in Copenhagen 6-7 March 2007 and of SDWG in Tromsø 10-11 April 2007." /.../