ANNEX 1. IQALUIT 2015 SAO REPORT TO MINISTERS. ACS Biennial Work Plan and Proposed Budget for 2016 and 2017.

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Arctic Council Secretariat
"The work plan for the Arctic Council Secretariat (ACS) for the period 2016-2017, as presented here, was approved by Senior Arctic Officials at the SAO meeting in Whitehorse, Canada in March 2015 in accordance with the Terms of Reference of the Arctic Council Secretariat. Full implementation of this work plan is subject to approval of the associated budget, which is planned for consideration at the Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting in Iqaluit, Canada in April 2015. This biennial work plan for the standing Arctic Council Secretariat (ACS) for the calendar years 2016 and 2017 is the second biennial work plan for the ACS. It covers the United States’ chairmanship of the Arctic Council during the entirety of 2016 and through the spring of 2017, as well as the beginning of Finland’s chairmanship of the Arctic Council in 2017, and runs through the end of that calendar year. The work plan builds in broad terms upon the ACS Terms of Reference and upon the Communications Implementation Plan for the Arctic Council Secretariat as approved by Senior Arctic Officials in March of 2014. In large measure, the work plan reflects a continuation of the routines, practices and tasks that were identified in the first biennial work plan or decided later in coordination with the Arctic Council chairmanship and/or the Senior Arctic Officials. Furthermore, the work plan reflects other tasks likely to be undertaken by the ACS at the request of the Chairmanship or the SAOs, subject to the availability of the necessary resources. Apart from the individual issues and tasks listed in the work plan, the ACS will draw upon its experience and knowledge of past practices in the Arctic Council to advise the Chairmanship and other members of the Arctic Council, as appropriate, on all relevant issues with respect to the Council’s ongoing work."