The Arctic Human Health Initiative: A legacy of the International Polar Year 2007-2009.

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Parkinson, Alan J.
SDWG , Human health
"The Arctic Council recognized that IPY 2007-2008 represented a unique opportunity to further stimulate cooperation and coordination on Arctic health research and increase the awareness and visibility of Arctic regions. The Arctic Human Health Initiative was a U.S.-led Arctic Council IPY coordinating project that aimed to build and expand on existing Arctic Council and International Union for Circumpolar Health’s human health research activities. The project aimed to link researchers with potential international collaborators and to serve as a focal point for human health research, education, outreach, and communication activities during IPY. The overall goals of the AHHI was to increase awareness and visibility of human health concerns of Arctic peoples, foster human health research, and promote health strategies that will improve health and well-being of all Arctic residents." /.../