The Northern Forum. Number 100, Resolution. Concerning the Relationship Between The Northern Forum and the Arctic Council.

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Unknown author
"The Arctic Council is a high-level intergovernmental forum that provides a mechanism to address the common concerns and challenges faced by the Arctic governments and the people of the Arctic. Its members are the national governments of the world’s eight Arctic states. The Northern Forum is the world’s only group representing subnational governments from throughout the North. For ten years, the Forum has worked at the leading edge of historical trends in broader international representation of subnational interests. During this time, the Forum’s members have passed seven Resolutions regarding the Council and its predecessor the Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy (AEPS). Several of the Forum’s current and completed inter-governmental projects are compatible with the work of the Council. Both groups should support joint implementation of projects, and the synergies that would develop as a result. To benefit all northern residents, preserve northern and Arctic environments, and promote peaceful international relations, the Council and the Forum should enjoy strong and effective relations." /.../