PAME PROGRESS REPORT TO SENIOR ARCTIC OFFICIALS 28-29 November 2007, Narvik, Norway.Update of the Regional Programme of Action for the Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (RPA) – Doc# 11/07-11.3.

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Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME)
"Canada and Iceland, as lead countries in advancing the implementation of the Regional Programme of Action for the Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (RPA), convened a RPA Workshop on September 25th, 2007 in Reykjavik, Iceland. A RPA Workshop report will be published separately. This Workshop was hosted by the Icelandic Ministry for Environment. The RPA Workshop was attended by experts from Arctic Council countries,Working Groups, Permanent Participants, Observers, industry, NGOs and academia. The objective of the Workshop was to seek broader Arctic Council input from Working Groups, Permanent Participants, and others on how their work contributes to the RPA, and how the RPA can be updated to reflect pollution trends and effects on habitat since the original RPA (1998) and propose appropriate responses. A revised RPA will be an important part of the follow-up to ACIA and should link to the broader efforts of the Arctic Council. The results of the workshop will contribute to the preparation of the updated RPA document. Lead countries were also to consider: assessments on priority substances causing marine pollution, habitat alteration issues, and climate change; and ways that other Arctic Council Working Groups and Permanent Participants might better engage in the RPA toward addressing these issues." /.../