ANNEX. Excerpts from Project Progress Reports, May 2004. The Arctic Human Development Report (AHDR) Project Report.

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Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG)
"The AHDR is a priority project under Icelandic lead during the Icelandic Chairmanship 2002-2004. The AHDR project includes the following Arctic Council participants with representatives on the Report Steering Committee: Iceland, Canada, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Finland, Norway, Russian Federation, Sweden, the United States, Aleut International Organization, Arctic Athabaskan Council, Gwich’in Council International, Inuit Circumpolar Conference, RAIPON, Saami Council, Indigenous People’s Secretariat, International Arctic Science Committee, International Arctic Social Sciences Association, International Working Group for Indigenous Affairs, North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission, Northern Forum, Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region, United Nations Development Program, and the United Nations Environmental Program." /.../