The Arctic Biodiversity Assessment. Work Plan and Financial Strategy.
Issue Date
Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF)
"The Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) Flora & Fauna: Status and Conservation report and the Arctic Climate and Impact Assessment (ACIA) indicated that it was necessary to consider the status and trends of biodiversity in the Arctic. The ACIA also called for improved capacity to monitor and understand changes in the Arctic. The proposed Arctic Biodiversity Assessment (ABA) and the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program (CBMP) are two of the primary vehicles via which the CAFF Working Group of the Arctic Council is responding to these calls. The CBMP is contributing to harmonizing and enhancing circumpolar biodiversity monitoring efforts, which will enhance our ability to detect and report on significant trends and stressors. The ABA in turn will provide policy makers and conservation managers with a synthesis of the most current scientific research and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) on Arctic biodiversity. This information is necessary for the governments, organisations, and peoples of the Arctic region to help ensure sustainability of Arctic biodiversity and Arctic communities. The ABA will highlight the main stressors to Arctic biodiversity and will provide a foundation for the subsequent development of adaptation strategies. In addition, the ABA is the Arctic Council’s response to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)/ Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 2010 global target to halt or significantly reduce the current rate of biodiversity loss; and UN Millennium Development Goal number 7 to ensure environmental sustainability. In October 2006, CAFF received full endorsement to proceed with the ABA1. The ABA will be a product of the Arctic Council through the CAFF Working Group. All member states and permanent participants to the Arctic Council will be involved in producing this assessment." /.../