Arctic Council Task Force on Oil Pollution Prevention. 4th Meeting, Nuuk, September 10-11, 2014. Summary two-pager.
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Arctic Council Task Force on Arctic Marine Oil Pollution Prevention
"At its fourth meeting, hosted in Nuuk, Greenland, the Task Force on Arctic Marine Oil Pollution Prevention (TFOPP) focused on the discussion of the substance and text of the deliverable – the precise title of which is still under discussion – which it will present at the upcoming Ministerial Meeting in 2015 in Iqaluit, Canada. Each delegation has taken on a significant portion of the preparatory work on this deliverable, with overall guidance delivered by the Norwegian and Russian co-chairs.
In their introductory remarks, the co-chairs underlined the need to reach agreement on the legal status of the document, its title and the status under which it will be submitted to the 2015 Ministerial Meeting (e.g., whether it is a signed document or not). Delegates were encouraged to be as concrete as possible in their contributions and to inform the Task Force if there were items that were unacceptable to them.
All eight Arctic States and one Working Group (EPPR) took part. Accredited observers attending the meeting included 4 states: France, Germany, Italy and Japan. In addition, contributions were provided by invited experts from OGP (International Oil and Gas Producers Association), IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors) and Joint Arctic Command (Greenland)."