AMAP 2009 Update on Selected Climate Issues of Concern (Observations, Short-lived Climate Forcers, Arctic Carbon Cycle, Predictive Capability).

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Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP)
AMAP , Short-lived climate forcers , Climate change , Arctic carbon cycle , SLCF
"The 'AMAP 2009 Update on Selected Climate Issues of Concern' is intended to be readable and readily comprehensible report. It summarizes recent observations of changing climate parameters, a review of the significance of short lived climate forcers and prospects for their mitigation, a new evaluation of the Arctic carbon cycle, and new initiatives to improve understanding of the cryosphere and the ability to model climate changes and impacts at the regional scale. The report does not contain extensive background data or references to the scientific literature The complete and fully-referenced scientific documentation, including sources for all figures reproduced in the report, is contained in accessible scientific background reports and papers published in the scientific literature."