Arctic Council Task Force on Oil Pollution Prevention. 3rd Meeting, Ottawa, June 12-13, 2014. Summary two-pager.

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Arctic Council Task Force on Arctic Marine Oil Pollution Prevention
"The agenda at the third meeting of the Task Force on Arctic Marine Oil Pollution Prevention (TFOPP) included 2 major issues: 1) discussion and editing of the Action Plan for Cooperation, prepared under the leadership of the Canadian delegation; 2) discussion and editing of the revised “Norwegian document”, which was divided into 2 lists of measures regarding Arctic maritime activities and petroleum activities, respectively. In introductory remarks, the chair underlined that the meeting was devoted to the discussion of the substance of the documents, not the nature of the final deliverable. Delegates were encouraged to be as concrete as possible in their contributions and to be flexible in order to work towards consensus. All eight Arctic States, two Permanent Participants (AIA and ICC), and two Working Groups (EPPR and PAME) took part. Accredited observers attending the meeting included 6 states (Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Singapore, UK) and 2 organizations (CCU, WWF). In addition, contributions were provided by invited experts from OGP (International Oil and Gas Producers Association) and IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors)." /.../