Development of national and international financial mechanisms supporting sustainable development and cooperation in Arctic regions (Lead: Russia).
Issue Date
Russian Delegation to the Arctic Council
"From the Russian Federation the project represent - the Ministry of regional development of the Russian Federation, Institute of Word Economy and International relations (IMEMO), Institute of the USA and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences, experts of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of economic development and trade of the Russian Federation.
The project is supported and have confirmed officially participation in its realization Nordic Environment Financing Corporation (NEFCO) and chair the Arctic Contaminants Action Program (ACAP) of the Arctic Council.
Preliminary participation of following organizations is supposed:
ß The international organizations, including financial - (GEF), UNEP, the Scandinavian Investment bank, World bank.
ß USA- University of California;
ß Canada - Carleton university, Canadian Institute of International affairs;
Canadian International Development Agency, International institute for
sustainable development;
ß Norway – International peace research Institute, Institute of International
ß Denmark- Danish Institute for International Studies;
ß Finland- Finnish Institute of International Affairs;
ß And leading experts from Sweden and Iceland" /.../