AMAP-CAFF Coordinated Monitoring Effort Status Report, Narvik 2007.
Issue Date
Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF)
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP)
"AMAP-CAFF cooperation continues to develop. A joint meeting was held in Copenhagen on the 18th September 2007. At this meeting a Green Paper entitled AMAPCAFF Coordinated Monitoring Effort was accepted by both Working Groups (Appendix 1). This paper will help facilitate the integration and harmonizing of monitoring between CAFF and AMAP. The next step will involve determining the projects that will be included as part of the CME. To this end each country submitted a national list of current monitoring activities that might be suitable for inclusion in the CME. At the joint meeting, each joint delegation determined the most relevant projects that could be considered as pilot projects for the CME. The CME may also be considered as a contribution by the Arctic Council to the Sustaining Arctic Observing Network (SAON) process. As part of the discussion regarding determination of pilot projects, it was agreed that projects included in the CME are required to meet the following criteria:
To fulfill the mandates of both CAFF and AMAP, To have a data management strategy in place, To have funding for the project in place, and to have existing results from the project, To have a long-term perspective (not just three or five years). The draft list of pilot projects for the CME is attached (Appendix 2). When finally endorsed at the national level, each pilot project will present an annual report (approximately two pages) at future Senior Arctic Officials meetings beginning in April 2008. A future joint meeting of AMAP and CAFF is planned prior to the Ministerial meeting in 2009 to further
facilitate the CME." /.../